Our Campaigns
People of faith around the globe are organizing ambitious and faith-rooted climate actions to create a livable future for all people. Learn more about our campaigns below!
Summer of Heat: Faith Action for Climate Finance
NEW YORK, NY, USA July 2024 was the hottest month in recorded history. GreenFaith marked the occasion by hosting Faith Week as part of a coalition-wide campaign called Summer of Heat (July 28-Aug 3, 2024), not ironically, in the midst of a sweltering heat wave in New...
Vote! For Our Sacred Earth
Climate change, driven by fossil fuels, threatens the well-being of people and planet alike. GreenFaith USA is organizing people of all faiths to mobilize voters this November, prioritizing ambitious climate action to protect our future. Research shows that receiving...
Saatnya Umat Beragama Berani Kritisi Kebijakan Lingkungan di Indonesia
Manusia adalah penyebab terjadinya krisis iklim yang saat ini kita rasakan, kata Pendeta Tuhoni Telaumbanua, Wakil ketua 1 Perkumpulan Sekolah Teologi di Indonesia (PERSETIA) dalam diskusi Agama dan Keadilan Iklim yang diselenggarakan oleh GreenFaith Indonesia, 9...
Siaran Pers: Kolaborasi Akademi Hindu dan GreenFaith Indonesia untuk Lingkungan Indonesia Lebih Baik
Klaten, 16 Maret 2024 – Krisis iklim tidak cukup diselesaikan melalui pendekatan kebijakan dan keilmuan, tapi juga harus melibatkan pendekatan agama dan budaya. “Urusan lingkungan tidak bisa hanya diselesaikan lewat sains saja, tapi juga harus melibatkan tokoh agama....
Siaran Pers: Umat Beragama Menagih Keadilan Iklim
Jakarta, 25 Januari 2024. Bekerjasama dengan Sekolah tinggi Filsafat dan Teologi Jakarta, GreenFaith Indonesia membahas keadilan iklim dengan kelompok mahasiswa dan komunitas berbasis agama Kristen dan Katolik, 25 Januari 2026. Kegiatan dibuka oleh Rektor STFT...
Multi-Faith Climate Finance Pledge
FINANCE THE FUTURE, NOT ITS DESTRUCTION Avoiding climate disaster requires an immediate end to new fossil fuel development. But—the world’s banks and asset managers continue to funnel trillions into new coal, oil and gas projects, creating humanitarian and ecological...
Memilih Pemimpin yang Amanah dalam Kelola Sumber Daya Alam di Pemilu 2024
Islam mengajarkan kita untuk bertanggungjawab secara individu dalam mengelola sumber daya alam, termasuk memilih pemimpin yang akan memimpin negara dalam mengelolanya. GreenFaith Indonesia kembali mengadakan diskusi GreenFaith Talk yang memasuki episode kelima dengan...
Siaran Pers: GreenFaith Bangun Kesadaran Komunitas Agama di Indonesia Beraksi untuk Keadilan Iklim
Krisis iklim yang melanda dunia saat ini, membutuhkan lebih banyak lagi orang-orang dan organisasi yang peduli, kritis, dan dapat mengambil peran untuk mencegah laju kehilangan dan kerusakan alam. GreenFaith Indonesia menginisiasi kegiatan Training Climate Justice...
Not In Our Name – Faith Leaders Disrupt Chase Bank HQ
Faith Leaders Disrupt Chase Bank HQ with Prophetic Ritual of Lament On September 14, 2023, 30 New Yorkers of faith, all dressed in white as a sign of mourning, silently marched to JP Morgan Chase Bank Headquarters on Madison Ave to protest the financial institution’s...
Climate Grief Circles
In November 2023, we began offering monthly online climate grief circles to provide a space for GreenFaith volunteer leaders and staff to connect with others and honor grief – in all its forms – that arise around ongoing climate and ecological crises. Climate grief...
Ashes to Action – San Diego
Honoring Our Climate Dead, Protesting Fossil Fuel Banks In November, our GreenFaith affiliate circle in San Diego, the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice, took to the streets for climate justice in: "Ashes to Action: Honoring Our Climate Dead, Protesting Fossil...
Di Tengah Kekecewaan Atas Hasil COP28, Komunitas Lintas Agama Punya Kekuatan Menjadi Solusi Iklim
COP28 di Dubai telah berakhir 12 Desember 2023 dengan sejumlah catatan mengecewakan bagi organisasi masyarakat sipil dan negara-negara paling terdampak dari perubahan iklim. Harapan untuk kesepakatan dunia menutup industri fosil (Phase Out) bergeser menjadi mengurangi...
Prayer Rising at Oak Flat
Last month, I traveled to Arizona to join Apache Stronghold and the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery for a day of Prayer Rising at Oak Flat. Oak Flat is a sacred place for the San Carlos Apache, where they lived and prayed for time immemorial before...
Charlotte NC Requiem for the Children
In commemoration of All Saints and All Souls Days, approximately 30 people from the greater Charlotte area gathered on November 1st in the center of the city to mourn all that we are losing due to climate change We focused on the grief we feel for the lost...
Loss and Damage dan Panggilan Lintas Agama untuk Menyelamatkan Umat
Loss and Damage dan Panggilan Lintas Agama untuk Menyelamatkan Umat Loss and Damage atau kehilangan dan kerusakan adalah peristiwa yang tidak dapat dihindari akibat perubahan iklim sekalipun telah melakukan mitigasi dan adaptasi. Sebagai contoh, petani yang telah...
Vanguard: Stop Using Our Money to Destroy Our Future
By Reverend Amy Brooks Paradise, GreenFaith Organizer This morning, called by my faith and fierce love for our planet, I took a stand for climate justice. Myself and several other GreenFaith activists disrupted Vanguard at a fancy industry conference near San Diego....
GreenFaith and Strategic Network for Youth Development Collaborate to Promote Climate Justice in Ghana
GreenFaith teamed up with the Strategic Network for Youth Development to address the critical issue of climate change in Ghana. With the devastating effects of climate change already being felt in the country, this collaboration aims to engage various stakeholders,...
« Tilenga » est le nom d'un nouveau champ de pétrole prévu au nord de l’Ouganda, de plus de 400 puits. Plus au sud, une entreprise chinoise veut ouvrir un autre champ, nommé « Kingfisher ». Pour l'exportation, il est projeté de construire ce qui serait le plus grand...
The March to End Fossil Fuels
Last September, we mobilized thousands of people in New York City GreenFaith convened the “Faith Hub,” one of the biggest community/interest based groups who marched together through New York City on September 17 At least 1K people of faith marched together as the...
GreenFaith Wy’East Circle Interfaith Service
During the #EndFossilFuels global mobilization last weekend, the newly founded GreenFaith Wy’east Circle held a powerful Interfaith Service in Support of the Youth Climate Strike in Portland, OR and in solidarity with the New York March to End Fossil Fuels! At the...
People vs Fossil Fuels
People vs Fossil Fuels is an Indigenous and Frontline-led coalition made up of over 1,200 organizations from around the country. Hundreds of faith communities and organizations are signed on and take action as a tangible expression of their values, witness, and faith....
Jetzt ist die Zeit für Klimagerechtigkeit!
Der Kirchentag hat eine lange Tradition des Glaubens, der Begegnung und des Engagements für die drängendsten Fragen unserer Zeit. Unser Team hatte die Ehre, Teil dieses außergewöhnlichen Ereignisses zu sein und auf verschiedenen Podien und Workshops unser Engagement...
Pawai Budaya Pelajar Untuk Iklim
Ribuan pelajar melakukan long march dalam rangka pawai budaya pelajar untuk iklim. Pawai yang diinisiasi oleh Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah dan My Green Leaders itu berlangsung pada 18 Agustus 2023 di Medan. Long march tersebut dimulai dari lapangan Asrama Haji Medan...
“Cada movimento para proteger a terra é nossa Fé em ação”
O GreenFaith Brasil e o FOMA (Fórum Climático de Magé) iniciaram uma parceria com o objetivo de criar uma rede de articulação e mobilização entre religiosos da cidade de Magé para a justiça climática. O Fórum Climático de Magé (FOMA) é um coletivo organizado por...