Climate Grief Circles

In November 2023, we began offering monthly online climate grief circles to provide a space for GreenFaith volunteer leaders and staff to connect with others and honor grief – in all its forms – that arise around ongoing climate and ecological crises. 

Climate grief can present itself in myriad ways: fear, rage, sorrow, numbness, and more. As we continue to witness and experience the effects of climate chaos, it’s important to not only acknowledge and hold space for difficult emotions but also to remember that, as people of faith and spirit, we are connected to something greater than ourselves — be it God, Allah, Spirit, the Earth itself, and of course the beloved community.

This faith is what will carry us through tumultuous times.

In this intimate virtual circle, we witness our individual and collective grief and discover new ways of living and being in relationship to our beautiful planet. Together, we root in our unique faiths and cultivate collective resilience and hope – and remain ever committed to taking action.

The best way to stay updated about these circles right now is to sign up for our newsletter.

Important Update: Faiths for Climate Justice
Important Update: Faiths for Climate Justice

An Message From Executive Director Rev Fletcher Harper Three weeks ago, ten of our GreenFaith Tanzania activists were detained and interrogated by their government for speaking publicly against the destructive East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). Backed by...

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People of faith in the fight against  MVP
People of faith in the fight against MVP

By Rev. Amy Brooks Paradise, GreenFaith Organizer The Mountain Valley Pipeline has been under protest for 10 years, is 6 years behind schedule and more than 3 billion dollars over budget. And yet, last summer, Joe Manchin helped MVP by-pass all permitting processes...

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