Climate change, driven by fossil fuels, threatens the well-being of people and planet alike. This is wrong! Voting gives us all a vitally important opportunity to express our values.
GreenFaith is organizing people of all faiths to mobilize our fellow citizens to vote this November, prioritizing ambitious climate action to protect our future.
With GreenFaith’s support, congregations across the country can encourage people of all faiths and none to:
- Reflect on the importance our faiths and values place on protecting our precious planet
- Read up on what different candidates and parties say about the issues
- Vote, guided by your values
Research shows that receiving postcards and phone calls which encourage voting increases the likelihood that people will vote. GreenFaith invites houses of worship to join us in two actions proven to increase voter turnout:
- Writing postcards. GreenFaith will send you postcards, addresses of voters, and nonpartisan message tips so that you can send postcards in September and October. It’s easy to organize postcard-writing after prayer or worship services or on a weekday evening.
- Phone banking: In partnership with the Environmental Voter Project, GreenFaith will host or co-host phone banks in September and October, designed to encourage voting among low propensity voters who care about the environment. We’ll provide all the training your congregation needs to participate in a 90-minute phone banking session.
This election matters. People of faith and conscience can meet this moment with courage and conviction. Let’s put our hope into action; register for the September 10 kickoff call now!