Multi-Faith Climate Finance Pledge


Avoiding climate disaster requires an immediate end to new fossil fuel development.
But—the world’s banks and asset managers continue to funnel trillions into new coal, oil and gas projects, creating humanitarian and ecological devastation. This is wrong.

Religious Organizations Must Protect People and Planet.

Religious institutions’ financial assets are in the trillions of dollars. They have an ethical duty to align these holdings with their commitment to protect people and the planet.

Financing the Future

That is why faith institutions and people of diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds around the globe are calling on banks and asset managers to finance the future, not to destroy it.
Our call for commitment: Banks and asset managers must measurably align their portfolios with a 1.5 degree future and universal access to clean energy by 2030, making clear progress before then, or we will move our funds to institutions aligned with our values.



問い合わせ先 グリーンフェイス・ジャパン顧問: 佐田喜朗, グリーンフェイス常務理事: フレッチャー・ハーパー, +1-201-390-0094, グリーンフェイス・ジャパンは、グリーンフェイス・グローバルとともに、最近の最高裁による新横須賀火力発電所1、2号機の建設を認める判決について、慎重な批判を表明しました。...

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75 Bäume für Marburg
75 Bäume für Marburg

Baumpflanzaktion geht in die 2. Runde Mit Hacke, Spaten und viel Engagement machten sich Mitte November eine kleine Gruppe von Teilnehmenden von GreenFaith und der ESG Marburg auf den Weg, um 75 kleine Ahornbäumchen in einem Forstwald in Hessen zu pflanzen....

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