News and Events
What does grassroots, spiritually-grounded climate activism look like?
Read on to see what our global team has been up to lately.
RWE and BlackRock: Stop Destroying Churches and Communities with Coal Mines
This weekend is the 1st Sunday of Advent for Christians around the world,...
Press Release: Islamic Society of North America Endorses Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Islamic Society of North America Endorses Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty...
Les communautés religieuses africaines à la Fondation Gates : “L’agriculture industrielle n’est pas une solution pour l’Afrique”
500 chefs religieux africains signent une lettre, mais ne reçoivent aucune...
African faith communities to Gates Foundation: “Industrial agriculture is no solution for Africa”
500 African faith leaders sign letter, receive no reply An open letter to the...
Following Indigenous Leadership
In northern Minnesota, a Canadian fossil fuel pipeline company called Enbridge...
PRESS RELEASE: Sacred People, Sacred Earth
This Has Been a Brutal Week
Rev. Fletcher Harper June 2020 To the GreenFaith Community: This has been a...
Globale Koalition aus 42 kirchlichen Einrichtungen verabschiedet sich von fossilen Brennstoffen
Pfarrer Fletcher Harper Mai 2020 In dieser Woche haben 42 kirchliche...
Global coalition of 42 faith institutions divest from fossil fuels
Rev. Fletcher Harper May 2020 This week, 42 faith institutions from 14...
Yes, And: How we think about personal and collective action
Rev. Fletcher Harper February 2020 Hi! We are well into 2020. And I am...
Yes, And: Wie wir über persönliches und kollektives Handeln nachdenken
Pfarrer Fletcher Harper Februar 2020 Hallo! Wir stehen kurz vor 2020. Und ich...