Our Campaigns
People of faith around the globe are organizing ambitious and faith-rooted climate actions to create a livable future for all people. Learn more about our campaigns below!
« Tilenga » est le nom d'un nouveau champ de pétrole prévu au nord de l’Ouganda, de plus de 400 puits. Plus au sud, une entreprise chinoise veut ouvrir un autre champ, nommé « Kingfisher ». Pour l'exportation, il est projeté de construire ce qui serait le plus grand...
The March to End Fossil Fuels
Last September, we mobilized thousands of people in New York City GreenFaith convened the “Faith Hub,” one of the biggest community/interest based groups who marched together through New York City on September 17 At least 1K people of faith marched together as the...
GreenFaith Wy’East Circle Interfaith Service
During the #EndFossilFuels global mobilization last weekend, the newly founded GreenFaith Wy’east Circle held a powerful Interfaith Service in Support of the Youth Climate Strike in Portland, OR and in solidarity with the New York March to End Fossil Fuels! At the...
People vs Fossil Fuels
People vs Fossil Fuels is an Indigenous and Frontline-led coalition made up of over 1,200 organizations from around the country. Hundreds of faith communities and organizations are signed on and take action as a tangible expression of their values, witness, and faith....
Jetzt ist die Zeit für Klimagerechtigkeit!
Der Kirchentag hat eine lange Tradition des Glaubens, der Begegnung und des Engagements für die drängendsten Fragen unserer Zeit. Unser Team hatte die Ehre, Teil dieses außergewöhnlichen Ereignisses zu sein und auf verschiedenen Podien und Workshops unser Engagement...
Pawai Budaya Pelajar Untuk Iklim
Ribuan pelajar melakukan long march dalam rangka pawai budaya pelajar untuk iklim. Pawai yang diinisiasi oleh Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah dan My Green Leaders itu berlangsung pada 18 Agustus 2023 di Medan. Long march tersebut dimulai dari lapangan Asrama Haji Medan...
“Cada movimento para proteger a terra é nossa Fé em ação”
O GreenFaith Brasil e o FOMA (Fórum Climático de Magé) iniciaram uma parceria com o objetivo de criar uma rede de articulação e mobilização entre religiosos da cidade de Magé para a justiça climática. O Fórum Climático de Magé (FOMA) é um coletivo organizado por...
Campanha Fé pela Justiça Climática
Em 2022 o GreenFaith organizou a campanha global Fé pela Justiça climática e teve o apoio de mais de 118 organizações religiosas que realizaram ações em seus territórios para visibilizar e cobrar medidas para enfrentarmos a emergência climática que estamos vivendo. ...
GreenFaith Indonesia Mendorong Kepedulian Pelajar Terhadap Isu Iklim
GreenFaith Indonesia Mendorong Kepedulian Pelajar Terhadap Isu Iklim Ribuan pelajar di Medan, Sumatera Utara melakukan pawai budaya untuk iklim yang diselenggarakan oleh Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah, My Green Leaders dan didukung oleh GreenFaith Indonesia dan Dompet...
Klimaschutz im Namen der Schöpfung: Lasset die Kirchen im Dorf und die Braunkohle unter Lützerath im Boden
Von Sandra Prüfer Lützerath/Bonn, 30.01.2023 Die Redewendung "Die Kirche im Dorf lassen" bedeutet “auf dem Boden der Tatsachen bleiben". Sie soll ihren Ursprung in katholischen Prozessionen haben, in denen eine Kirchengemeinde bei ihrem Umzug die Dorfgrenze...
Climate protection in the name of creation
by Sandra Prüfer Lützerath/Bonn, 30.01.2023 The German phrase "Die Kirche im Dorf lassen” (to leave the church in the village) has asimilar meaning to the English expression “don’t get carried away”. It is said to originatefrom Catholic processions in which a church...
Action in Los Angeles at the Murphy Drill Site
Partnering with STAND LA for Community Safety Los Angeles is the largest urban oil field in the country. The city has numerous oil wells and refineries that are located in neighborhoods where millions of people live, work, worship, and play. These oil and gas drilling...
Kenyan Students Join Multi-Faith Action Demanding Clean Energy for Africa
Grassroots participants condemn arrest of Ugandan students for protesting against pipeline Students from several Kenyan universities joined Muslim, Christian, Hindu, and tribal leaders in a march in Machako, demanding that COP27 deliver commitments for universal...
People of Diverse Faiths Call for an End to EACOP
“We Can’t Drink Oil” In the face of growing threats to the safety of peaceful protestors, this week grassroots people of diverse religious backgrounds marched to demand an end to the heated crude oil pipeline project that would stretch 1,443km from Uganda’s Tilenga to...
Sign the Multi-Faith Letter for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
As leaders across diverse religious and spiritual communities around the globe, we call on governments to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. The current scale of the climate crisis requires a cooperative global solution that addresses the...