by Aly Tharp | Nov 20, 2023 | Campaigns - United States
In commemoration of All Saints and All Souls Days, approximately 30 people from the greater Charlotte area gathered on November 1st in the center of the city to mourn all that we are losing due to climate change We focused on the grief we feel for the lost...
by admin | Oct 30, 2023 | Campaigns - Indonesia
Loss and Damage dan Panggilan Lintas Agama untuk Menyelamatkan Umat Loss and Damage atau kehilangan dan kerusakan adalah peristiwa yang tidak dapat dihindari akibat perubahan iklim sekalipun telah melakukan mitigasi dan adaptasi. Sebagai contoh, petani yang telah...
by GreenFaith Admin | Oct 23, 2023 | Campaigns - Front Page, Campaigns - United States
By Reverend Amy Brooks Paradise, GreenFaith Organizer This morning, called by my faith and fierce love for our planet, I took a stand for climate justice. Myself and several other GreenFaith activists disrupted Vanguard at a fancy industry conference near San Diego....
by GreenFaith Admin | Oct 20, 2023 | Campaigns - Africa, Campaigns - Front Page, Campaigns - Ghana
GreenFaith teamed up with the Strategic Network for Youth Development to address the critical issue of climate change in Ghana. With the devastating effects of climate change already being felt in the country, this collaboration aims to engage various stakeholders,...
by Az Mohammad | Oct 16, 2023 | Campaigns - France
« Tilenga » est le nom d’un nouveau champ de pétrole prévu au nord de l’Ouganda, de plus de 400 puits. Plus au sud, une entreprise chinoise veut ouvrir un autre champ, nommé « Kingfisher ». Pour l’exportation, il est projeté de construire ce qui serait le...
by Aly Tharp | Oct 1, 2023 | Campaigns - United States, Events - Global, Events - USA, News - USA, US
Last September, we mobilized thousands of people in New York City GreenFaith convened the “Faith Hub,” one of the biggest community/interest based groups who marched together through New York City on September 17 At least 1K people of faith marched together as the...