We envision a world transformed, in which humanity in all its diversity has developed a shared reverence for life on Earth.
Religious and spiritual communities everywhere generate a moral awakening to the sacredness of Earth and the dignity of all people. Together, we are building resilient, caring communities and economies that meet everyone’s needs and protect the planet. The era of conquest, extraction, and exploitation has given way to cooperation and community.
The good life is one of connectedness—with each other and all of nature. It is a world of flourishing life that replaces despair with joy, scarcity with shared abundance, and privilege with justly distributed power.

GreenFaith manifesta apoio aos pescadores e pescadoras artesanais e moradores de Suruí (Magé – RJ) afetados pelo vazamento de óleo
No dia 1º de outubro ocorreu um acidente que resultou no derramamento de três diferentes tipos de substâncias contaminantes derivadas do petróleo no rio Suruí: gasolina, diesel e emulsão asfáltica, que eram transportadas por um dos veículos. Esses contaminantes...

GreenFaith at NYC Climate Week 2024
Every year, Climate Week in NYC gathers worldwide leaders for important climate movement meetings and planning sessions. This year’s Climate Week ran from Sept. 22-28, and GreenFaith was the bridge between secular and faith spaces, calling our movement into greater...

Appel de rentrée
Cet été à nouveau, en allant dans des lieux militants, on a entendu plein d’enthousiasme et de rêves d’activistes croyant·es pour un monde de justice, d'amour et de compassion. On t'invite à un appel de rentrée pour nous retrouver, écouter ce qui est là, prendre...