2023 Annual Report

A Note From Executive Director, Rev. Fletcher Harper

Dear Friends, Partners, and GreenFaith Supporters:

As I reflect on our work together over the past year, I feel a grateful sense of pride. In a time that’s heavy for so many, you’ve been part of a global, hopeful movement for change.

2023 was an extraordinary year for GreenFaith. We organized thousands of people of faith to oppose the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline in Tanzania, Uganda and France. GreenFaith was a lead organizer of the 75,000-person March to End Fossil Fuels in NYC.

We supported faith groups to oppose fossil fuel expansion in Germany, and engaged influential religious organizations in Japan and Indonesia to call for a rapid coal phase-out and an upsurge in clean energy. Our work generated over 400 news stories—reaching millions of people of faith and key decision-makers across the globe!

We have exciting plans for 2024. We are launching a new multifaith climate finance campaign to pressure the world’s largest banks and asset managers to phase out fossil fuel and upscale support for renewable energy. Through this campaign and others, we are expanding our community and training emerging leaders from diverse faiths for climate action.

If you’re looking for inspiration, I encourage you to check out our 2023 Annual Report. When we work together across faith traditions in communities all over the globe, we can work miracles.

In faith and in hope,
Rev. Fletcher Harper and the GreenFaith Team


"日本の議員・宗教団体との交流" フレッチャー・ハーパー代表は、8月25日から29日まで日本に滞在し、日本の環境団体と共に自民党、公明党、立憲民主党の国会議員と面会しました。また、全日本仏教会や日本キリスト教協議会(NCG)、なども訪れ、日本の宗教者が環境問題において重要な役割を果たすことを訴えました。さらに、環境問題に起因する争いや対立を解決するために、日本と世界の宗教者の力を結集させる必要性を強調しました。 "エネルギー基本計画への提言"...

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