The March to End Fossil Fuels

Last September, we mobilized thousands of people in New York City

  • GreenFaith convened the “Faith Hub,” one of the biggest community/interest based groups who marched together through New York City on September 17 
  • At least 1K people of faith marched together as the “Faith Hub” among ~50K people altogether, with 29 Faith sub-hubs and 81 endorsing faith organizations
  • GreenFaith and partners hosted an Invocation of Spirit before the march attended by hundreds of people with speakers representing Indigenous, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, UU & eco-spiritual traditions
  • GreenFaith organized a bold public ritual action at Chase Bank in mid-town Manhattan with approx. 25 participants on Sept 15
  • GreenFaith staff, partners, & grassroots faith leaders participated in mass direct action at the Federal Reserve on Sept 18
  • GreenFaith staff spoke and risked arrest at a Bank of America mass action on Sept 19

Learn more in our GreenFaith March to End Fossil Fuels Impact Report