Important Update: Faiths for Climate Justice

An Message From Executive Director Rev Fletcher Harper

Three weeks ago, ten of our GreenFaith Tanzania activists were detained and interrogated by their government for speaking publicly against the destructive East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). Backed by TotalEnergies, the Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and the governments of Tanzania and Uganda, EACOP is the biggest proposed heated crude oil pipeline in the world. It threatens the health, clean water, and culture of countless communities along the route in Tanzania and Uganda and will displace more than 80,000 people.

The Tanzanian government and police are now regularly intimidating and harassing our GreenFaith volunteers. The authorities have forced them to report weekly to a police station which is 70 miles from their homes. These brave people of faith have been subjected to long, intense interrogations, and police have seized their phones on several occasions. This is just one example of an escalating trend of intimidation and suppression that climate activists are experiencing all over the world.

Because of this crisis and our responsibility to our members, GreenFaith is redirecting our staff’s efforts toward protecting our leaders in Tanzania. While some communities around the world, including our partners in Australia, will move forward with Faiths for Climate Justice actions between April-September, GreenFaith will devote substantial energy and resources to protecting our volunteers and pressuring Total, CNOOC, and the governments of Tanzania and Uganda to #StopEACOP.

The lawyer representing our volunteers has asked repeatedly about the government’s charges.  He has received no answer. The police have denied him entry to the interrogations, a rights violation. The psychological, economic, and physical toll has been intense. Their bravery humbles us.

This is not an isolated incident. All across the globe, corporations like Total and CNOOC are exploiting communities in the global south and co-opting local governments to repress those who speak out against these projects. Instead of providing jobs and development, these companies exploit the people, the land, and the resources and leave these communities far worse off. 

We know that many of you have invested time and energy in planning your Faiths for Climate Justice action for this year. We appreciate this and apologize for any inconvenience this shift in our priorities may cause. If you decide to hold a Faiths for Climate Justice event this year, please use the hashtag #Faiths4Climate and tag @greenfaithworld and we will be sure to amplify your event. Public actions are more important than ever, and we support you moving forward with whatever you have planned.

Thank you for your commitment. We look forward to taking action with you as we move together into the future.

In solidarity,

Rev. Fletcher Harper
Executive Director


問い合わせ先 グリーンフェイス・ジャパン コーディネーター: 佐田喜朗, グリーンフェイス常務理事: フレッチャー・ハーパー, +1-201-390-0094, 気候変動目標の達成求め要請書を提出 グリーンフェイス・ジャパンは、与野党の国会議員4人に対して、12月2日付でパリ協定に基づく気候変動目標の達成を日本政府に求める要請書を送りました。...

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