Global coalition of 42 faith institutions divest from fossil fuels

Rev. Fletcher Harper

May 2020

This week, 42 faith institutions from 14 countries announced their divestment from fossil fuels. GreenFaith is honored to be a member of this powerful coalition.[/vc_column_text][gem_youtube video_id=”SRNESP6jRd4″][vc_column_text]This is the largest divestment from fossil fuels from faith institutions around the world to date. Faith organizations in the UK, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Myanmar, Spain and the United States are taking part. Father Endra Wijayanta, director of the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Commission for the Archdiocese of Semarang, in Indonesia, said: ‘In this COVID-19 pandemic, it is the exact time not only to reflect, but to act. We have to stop our ecological spiral of death. We have to revive our ecological hope, in massive repentance of humankind, by taking the pathway to more sustainable living.

The Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, United Reformed, Baptist, Quaker, and Buddhist institutions announcing their divestment have over $1.3B in assets under management. Leading members of the coalition include the World Council of Churches, the Global Catholic Climate Movement, and Green Anglicans, and Greenfaith.

This announcement has a long history of leadership among faith communities to divest from fossil fuels and the banks that finance these extractive industries. Since 2012, the fossil fuel divestment movement has mobilized more than $14 trillion in commitments from nearly 1,200 organizations, governments, businesses, colleges, and nonprofit organizations. Faith communities, at 30%, make up the largest share of these divestment pledges. GreenFaith has long been a leader in supporting faith institutions’ divestment and reinvestment into green energy.

GreenFaith’s Reverend Fletcher Harper said: “Extractive corporations, and the banks that finance them, are demanding government bailouts and the dismantling of environmental protections in the middle of a global pandemic and economic collapse. The idea that precious funds should bail out the world’s wealthiest corporations, not the people whose lives are at stake, is hard to fathom. This injustice is wrong. This is the time to rethink how we relate to one another and the earth. The religious groups announcing their divestment from fossil fuels today are stepping into the breach at a time when nothing is the same and everything has to change.”

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Reverend Dr Rowan Williams, puts it well when he says: “The current health crisis has highlighted as never before the need for coherent international action in the face of global threat. Can we learn the lesson and apply it to the global threat of climate change? To do so means taking practical and effective steps to reduce our lethal dependence on fossil fuels.’’ GreenFaith, our members and all of our international partners are applauding this powerful and courageous action. A full list of the 42 institutions divesting from fossil fuels and statements from leaders can be found here.


問い合わせ先 グリーンフェイス・ジャパン コーディネーター: 佐田喜朗, グリーンフェイス常務理事: フレッチャー・ハーパー, +1-201-390-0094, 気候変動目標の達成求め要請書を提出 グリーンフェイス・ジャパンは、与野党の国会議員4人に対して、12月2日付でパリ協定に基づく気候変動目標の達成を日本政府に求める要請書を送りました。...

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問い合わせ先 グリーンフェイス・ジャパン顧問: 佐田喜朗, グリーンフェイス常務理事: フレッチャー・ハーパー, +1-201-390-0094, グリーンフェイス・ジャパンは、グリーンフェイス・グローバルとともに、最近の最高裁による新横須賀火力発電所1、2号機の建設を認める判決について、慎重な批判を表明しました。...

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