Ashes to Action – San Diego

Honoring Our Climate Dead, Protesting Fossil Fuel Banks

In November, our GreenFaith affiliate circle in San Diego, the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice, took to the streets for climate justice in: “Ashes to Action: Honoring Our Climate Dead, Protesting Fossil Fuel Banks.” Over the past seven years, the world’s 60 biggest banks poured over $5.5 Trillion into the fossil fuel industry1, driving the climate crisis and directly contributing to deadly impacts in communities across the globe.

To protest this blood money and honor those who have died in climate crisis-fueled disasters (most of whom are from developing nations), a memorial service and protest was held before four banks, Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, and Wells Fargo, while processing with a (mock) coffin to symbolize the mounting casualties and the bank’s culpability.

Speakers and participants came from across San Diego County to call upon the banks to stop funding these death-dealing fossil fuel projects and uplift communities worldwide that deserve a just and livable future. The procession was filled with lament and grief for those lost but also spirit and passion for the hope we have in a better future that we create together.

Climate Grief Circles
Climate Grief Circles

In November 2023, we began offering monthly online climate grief circles to provide a space for GreenFaith volunteer leaders and staff to connect with others and honor grief – in all its forms – that arise around ongoing climate and ecological crises.  Climate grief...

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NYC Circle Celebration
NYC Circle Celebration

On a cold night in early November, NYC Circle leaders and friends new and old gathered at the Brooklyn Friends Meetinghouse for an evening of community connection and planning. This lively and energetic group, which included Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus,...

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