Sign the Multi-Faith Letter for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

As leaders across diverse religious and spiritual communities around the globe, we call on governments to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The current scale of the climate crisis requires a cooperative global solution that addresses the fossil fuel industry directly. We call on governments to urgently commence negotiations to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, laying out a binding global plan to:

  1. End expansion of any new coal, oil or gas production in line with the best available science as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme;
  2. Phase-out existing production of fossil fuels in a manner that is fair and equitable, taking into account the respective dependency of countries on fossil fuels and their capacity to transition;
  3. Ensure a global just transition to 100% access to renewable energy globally, support dependent economies to diversify away from fossil fuels, and enable all people and communities, not least the Global South, to flourish.

Click here to read about some of the faith & spiritual foundations for the Treaty. We hail from many faiths and beliefs, but together we can remedy the decades of negligence to safeguard our coexistence with this earth. Just as our beliefs are entrenched in religious and spiritual teachings, our response to the climate crisis must be deeply rooted in science and equity to heal the planet and people alike.

Click here to read the full faith letter, and add your name below! 


問い合わせ先 グリーンフェイス・ジャパン顧問: 佐田喜朗, グリーンフェイス常務理事: フレッチャー・ハーパー, +1-201-390-0094, グリーンフェイス・ジャパンは、グリーンフェイス・グローバルとともに、最近の最高裁による新横須賀火力発電所1、2号機の建設を認める判決について、慎重な批判を表明しました。...

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75 Bäume für Marburg

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