by Martin Kopp | Mar 4, 2024 | EACOP - FR, Events - France, France
Le weekend des 23-24 mars prochains, ensemble avec Lutte & Contemplation et le Mouvement Laudato Si’, nous tiendrons des veillées interreligieuses à Paris et partout en France. Tandis que TotalEnergies fêtera ses 100 ans d’existence, nous ferons...
by Aly Tharp | Dec 23, 2023 | Campaigns - United States, Events - USA, US
Honoring Our Climate Dead, Protesting Fossil Fuel Banks In November, our GreenFaith affiliate circle in San Diego, the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice, took to the streets for climate justice in: “Ashes to Action: Honoring Our Climate Dead, Protesting...
by Aly Tharp | Dec 4, 2023 | Campaigns - United States, US
Last month, I traveled to Arizona to join Apache Stronghold and the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery for a day of Prayer Rising at Oak Flat. Oak Flat is a sacred place for the San Carlos Apache, where they lived and prayed for time immemorial before...
by Aly Tharp | Oct 1, 2023 | Campaigns - United States, Events - Global, Events - USA, News - USA, US
Last September, we mobilized thousands of people in New York City GreenFaith convened the “Faith Hub,” one of the biggest community/interest based groups who marched together through New York City on September 17 At least 1K people of faith marched together as the...
by Az Mohammad | Sep 7, 2023 | Global, Japan, Organizing, Resources
by Az Mohammad | Sep 7, 2023 | Global, Japan, Organizing, Resources