by admin | Feb 23, 2024 | Campaigns - Indonesia, Events - Indonesia
Jakarta, 25 Januari 2024. Bekerjasama dengan Sekolah tinggi Filsafat dan Teologi Jakarta, GreenFaith Indonesia membahas keadilan iklim dengan kelompok mahasiswa dan komunitas berbasis agama Kristen dan Katolik, 25 Januari 2026. Kegiatan dibuka oleh Rektor STFT...
by admin | Jan 16, 2024 | Campaigns - Indonesia, Events - Indonesia
Krisis iklim yang melanda dunia saat ini, membutuhkan lebih banyak lagi orang-orang dan organisasi yang peduli, kritis, dan dapat mengambil peran untuk mencegah laju kehilangan dan kerusakan alam. GreenFaith Indonesia menginisiasi kegiatan Training Climate Justice...
by Aly Tharp | Dec 23, 2023 | Campaigns - United States, Events - USA
In November 2023, we began offering monthly online climate grief circles to provide a space for GreenFaith volunteer leaders and staff to connect with others and honor grief – in all its forms – that arise around ongoing climate and ecological crises. Climate grief...
by Aly Tharp | Dec 23, 2023 | Events - USA
On a cold night in early November, NYC Circle leaders and friends new and old gathered at the Brooklyn Friends Meetinghouse for an evening of community connection and planning. This lively and energetic group, which included Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus,...
by Aly Tharp | Dec 23, 2023 | Campaigns - United States, Events - USA, US
Honoring Our Climate Dead, Protesting Fossil Fuel Banks In November, our GreenFaith affiliate circle in San Diego, the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice, took to the streets for climate justice in: “Ashes to Action: Honoring Our Climate Dead, Protesting...
by Az Mohammad | Oct 24, 2023 | Events - France
S’outiller et lutter ensemble pour las climatique Bienvenue au weekend Relié·es de GreenFaith les 28-29 octobre 2023 à Paris. Il sera l’occasion de relier à la fois les personnes, mais aussi les luttes et les outils pour vivre aujourd’hui le monde que...